Friday, December 12, 2008

New versus Old Media

I think that this is an interesting topic relevant to this CIS class. Through the semester, we study what is New Media. In fact, New Media is web 2.0 which include blogs, internet, etc. On the other hand, old media is the traditional media (newspapers, television, magazines). I believe that old media is submerged by the speed of these new technologies. During the last five years, New Media has known an exponential widespread use. Today, New Media is used in many fields. For instance, New Media is used for educational, medical, communicational purposes. Further, New Media enhances social networkings as the case of Facebook.
Equally important, New Media have transformed the landscape of communication.. Before the invention of New Media, Old Media dominated the news cycle. With New Media, I feel like there is democratization of information because of many sources are available to provide information.
In a long-run, there is gradually an integration of New Media into Old Media. For instance, CNN's "Situation Room with Wolf Blitzer" host Jack Cafferty who talks mostly about what bloggers have said.

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